Our backline and vans are available for rental, please write us an e-mail for details and inquiries: contact@asgaardianevents.com
- Mercedes Benz Vito extra long 9 seater.
- Mercedes Benz Sprinter 9 seater
- 2x 4*12' Marshall MR1960
- 2x Engl Powerball II E645/2 + footswitches
- 1x 4*10' Ampeg SVT-410 HE
- 8*10 Ampeg SVT-810E
- 1x Ampeg V-4B + footswitch
- Pearl reference one custom Matte Black Mist
2x22" bass drum
Tom Tom 10”x 7” & 12”x 8” & 13"x09"
Floor Tom 16”x 16” & 18"x 16"
Pearl DR-513C Drum Rack
Pearl S-930S Snare Drum Stand
Pearl D-50 Drum Throne
10x PCX-100 Rack Clamp with Arms
6x PCL-100 Drum Rack Pipe Clamp with Arms
Pearl H-2050 Eliminator HH
- Tama Superstar Hyperdrive
1x22" bass drum
Tom Tom 10"x 6,5" & 12"x 07"
Floor Tom 14"x 12" & 16"x 14" & 18"x 16"
1x Millenium CS-901 Pro Cymbal Stand
3x Millenium CB-801 Pro Series Boom Stand / Millenium CBS718
1x Millenium CBC-Set 03 HH STAND
1x Millenium HH-901 Pro Series
1x Millenium SS-801X Pro Series Snare Stand
1x Zildjian 14" New Beat Hi-Hat
1x Zildjian 16" A-Custom Crash
1x Zildjian 17" A-Custom Projection Crash
1x Zildjian 18" A-Custom Crash
1x Meinl 16" Class. Cust. Dark Tr. Ch.
1x Zildjian 18" S Serie Dark China
1x Zildjian 19" A-Serie Ultra Hammer China
1x Zildjian 10" A-Custom Splash
1x Zildjian 12" A-Custom Splash
1x Zildjian 20" A-Custom Ride
1x Zildjian 21" A-Sweet Ride